British media have started to reflect on the fact that no Armageddon at the ports has been observed until now. No queues. All quiet. It was project fear all the time and we took back control of our borders.
The reality is unfortunately much worse. I have been reading on social media this morning that many businesses have simply stopped delivering to the UK. So I did a quick check with one of those I am using sometimes to get deliveries of food from other EU countries. This one is Vico Food Box from Amsterdam and the message is clear:

BREXIT: Pending free trade agreements, we accept UK orders until 12/19/2020. We hope it's just goodbye, as soon as we resume shipments to the UK you will be informed
So bakery is not coming anymore. So yes no queues at the ports because businesses have stopped liaising with the UK waiting for clarifications and most likely to adjust terms and conditions. If you want to see more disgruntled customers have a look at this thread on Twitter
There is hope. For those businesses that are still delivering to the UK, it has been observed that a Brexit surcharge has been introducing costing at least £0.5 per kg with a minimum of £4.5 charged. So I am hopeful that my Italian breakfast will return soon but will be more expensive because we took back control of our borders and fisheries.
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