The worst type of hypocrite on full display here and with the arrogance of thinking we are all stupid. Dyson moved to Singapore for product marketing and tax reasons which is something that you are entitled to do as an organisation without having to create false stories that do not exist: the Dyson electric car, the Brexit charade giving the UK back its independence from some masters, an innovation boost that does not exist unless you refer to rampant corruption in society expanding and unchecked by a public opinion mostly still basking in British exceptionalism that will not work.

All mixed with the vaccine deployment story to gaslight the audience. In the meantime, I am enjoying the freedom Brexit has provided to Britannia and its innovation boost. And I am thinking about my package that has been on its way to the office in Finland more than a week ago and still stuck in transit. How long do you think businesses will be putting on with this competitive advantage before we will adjust again the supply chain by cutting off the UK and make Britannia only a location for Britannia BBC News watchers of some sort?