It beggars belief but some fisherman are starting to realize what exiting the EU customs union really meant for their business. You may have 25% more fish if you believe Johnson but then you have also new health certificates, customs… Continue Reading →
At midnight this evening we say goodbye to a not so memorable year. One hour earlier we say goodbye to a part of our history that started decades ago and, on a personal basis, allowed me like many others to… Continue Reading →
I can understand why a majority would like at this point to move on and support voting the deal between EU and UK. This is not even the issue at this stage in my view because you are not going… Continue Reading →
The most worrying aspect of the so called trade deal just signed between UK and EU is the decision not to be part of the Erasmus program. I bet this was a straightforward decision, a crucial one revealing the real… Continue Reading → Even after two years and all the mess there are plenty of British immigrants in Spain complaining about their rights and their future. And yet supporting #brexit. The discussion will not move forward until mainstream media and politicians will… Continue Reading →
We are being abandoned Business arrangements will be made at some point either with a framework agreement or ad-hoc as needed later. But personal life and opportunities will be affected forever. Maybe we should have looked at this angle much… Continue Reading →
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