The Day After Brexit

Thoughts and considerations after Brexit. The Day After Brexit. Going through the emotions of being on the other side of Brexit

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Spaghetti Brexit Bolognese

So where do we start from? Shortages are one of the staples of Brexit. We were used to having an offering and level of service that no longer is granted and, whilst some issues are also related to economic unbalances… Continue Reading →

Gone for good?

The only question about EU citizens is to which extent they left already. And it depends on their personal circumstances including relationships, profession and assets. Some regrettably had to do it: they may have lost their jobs during pandemic or… Continue Reading →

We need them more than they need us

We are at war. Yes, we are at war with ourselves and the stupidity that Brexit is. The bad news is that we keep losing battles and, for those who like numbers, now we have also the latest GDP showing… Continue Reading →

The will of the turkeys

The will of the turkeys

Coffee anyone?

How can it be that all the countries in Europe have Covid, all the countries have the app based on the same iOS/Android framework and all the countries have fruit and vegetables on the shelves apart Britannia? Wake up people… Continue Reading →

“You don’t know who I am“

Not really and I am not bothered either if you don’t understand the Brexit you have in mind is called xenophobia mate

Five years ago the coup began

RIP Britannia ‪”By the way, I have been wondering what the special place in hell looks like for those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely”‬. Donald Tusk, former president of… Continue Reading →

Trolled by the fish

How Norway refused access to their waters and are still selling their cod to British consumers. Trolled or trolls?

Economic vandalism

So the numbers are in and continue to show a decline in the trade with the EU which is not shown for instance in the trade with non-EU countries. So it must be something specific that happened between the UK… Continue Reading →

Freedom to lie

The worst type of hypocrite on full display here and with the arrogance of thinking we are all stupid. Dyson moved to Singapore for product marketing and tax reasons which is something that you are entitled to do as an… Continue Reading →

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